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We are EPA and State of Hawaii approved to provide accredited and certified training classes to qualified persons in the areas of asbestos and lead paint. These training classes are based on the EPA Model Accreditation Course Curriculum.

Summary of the Training Courses We Offer

  • EPA accredited Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) courses:  Worker; Inspector; Management Planner; Contractor/Supervisor; Project Designer; Project Monitor and all respective refreshers.

  • Asbestos Hazard Awareness.

  • Asbestos Maintenance Worker.

  • EPA Model Accreditation Course Curriculum for Lead-based Paint:  Inspector; Technician; Abatement Supervisors; Abatement Workers; Risk Assessor; Project Designer, and all respective refreshers.

  • Lead-Containing Paint hazard awareness.

  • Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP)

  • 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), 24-hour HAZWOPER, Supervisor, and refreshers.

  • Mold Sampling and Awareness

  • Lead-In-Construction

Upon request, we can tailor the training classes to your OSHA compliance needs and come to your site to conduct the training.



EPA accredited Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) courses:  Worker; Inspector; Management Planner; Contractor/Supervisor; Project Designer; Project Monitor and all respective refreshers.


The courses provide Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) AHERA accreditation and the means to become certified under the Hawaii Department of Health's certification program for asbestos abatement contractor/supervisors, workers, inspectors, management planners, project designers, and project monitors. Upon successful completion of the courses below, the attendee is accredited under the EPA’s AHERA program unless specified otherwise below. If required, the attendee may need to be certified under the Hawaii Departments of Health’s program which involves a separate application, fee and qualification standards.


40-Hour Contractor/Supervisor Course: This course follows the EPA curriculum and meets the OSHA requirement for an asbestos abatement Class 1 supervisor. It provides technical instruction in negative pressure systems when preparing the work area, respiratory protection, air monitoring, health effects of asbestos; incorporates 14 hours of hands-on activities, including respiratory protection fit testing and work practice exercises. All course lectures and exercises are pertinent to the supervisor and his/her role in the asbestos abatement project. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. However, there are State requirements the student must fulfill prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 8-hour refresher is required to maintain certification or accreditation.


32-hour Worker Course: The 32-hour worker course meets OSHA requirements for the asbestos abatement class I worker. Work practices with work site engineering controls and containments are examined. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. However, there are State requirements the student must fulfill prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 8-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification or accreditation.


24-hour Inspector Course: Based on the Department of Health's asbestos program this course trains students to inspect and collect samples for asbestos in schools and public buildings. The student will learn the process of setting up a sampling plan, collect the sample, and evaluate the laboratory results. It is currently a State requirement for a person to be a certified inspector to conduct asbestos building inspections in schools, commercial and public buildings. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. However, there are State requirements the student must fulfill prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 4-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification and accreditation.


16-hour Management Planner Course: The student shall learn the process of conducting a hazard evaluation for schools and public buildings, and the process of developing an Operations and Maintenance program using EPA requirements. A current Hawaii Department of Health's Inspector’s certificate is required before taking this course. An annual 4-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification and accreditation.


24-hour Project Designer Course:  This course provides training in preparing asbestos abatement specifications and how to conduct appropriate response actions. Projects involving encapsulation, repair, enclosures, and removal are reviewed. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. However, there are State requirements the student must fulfill prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 8-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification and accreditation.


40-hour Project Monitor Course: The student shall learn the role and responsibility of a project monitor. In addition, the student shall learn the characteristics of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, understanding building construction, contract specifications, asbestos abatement strategies, air monitoring techniques, conducting visual inspections. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. However, there are State requirement the student must fulfill prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 8-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification.


16-hour Project Monitor Course: The student shall learn the role and responsibility of a project monitor. In addition, the student shall learn the air monitoring techniques and how to conduct visual inspections during abatement. A current Management Planner or Contractor/Supervisor certification is required before taking this 16-hour course. The student must also fulfill the Hawaii State requirements prior to being certified in this discipline. An annual 8-hour refresher class is required to maintain certification.


Who should attend? Government (federal, state, and local) employees, supervisors, managers, and consultants, and contractors involved in asbestos work.


AHERA contracted employees performing as inspectors.


Lawyers, community planners, educators, and students who want to gain credentials in the asbestos abatement industry.



16-hour Asbestos Maintenance Worker Course: This course meets OSHA/HIOSH requirements for the asbestos abatement class III worker. This course also complies with the EPA (AHERA) and Hawaii DOH program for maintenance workers. Students shall examine asbestos disturbances as it pertains to maintenance work activities and how to eliminate exposures to airborne asbestos fibers. No prior experience or training is required to take this course. An annual 8-hour refresher is required to maintain compliance with OSHA/HIOSH and AHERA regulations.


Asbestos Awareness Course: This course is tailored to the needs of the student as it pertains to their daily work task. Course time may range between one to eight hours. This awareness course shall meet OSHA/HIOSH requirements for the asbestos class IV worker. This course also complies with the EPA (AHERA) and Hawaii DOH program for custodial staff.

MEC can also schedule a private class at your location.


ACCREDITATION: Muranaka Environmental Consultants, Inc. is an accredited EPA (AHERA) and Hawaii Department of Health training provider for all initial and refresher classes listed above.


American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) certification maintenance points are awarded to CIHs:

5 points Contractor/Supervisor 3 points Inspector 2 points Management Planner 3 points Project Designer 2 points Operations and Maintenance Annual Refreshers for all the above courses receive ½ CM point for ½ day Refreshers and 1.0 CM point for 1 day Refreshers.


INSTRUCTORS: Mark T. Muranaka, President, MS Environmental Health, MPH Industrial Hygiene


TRAINING LOCATION: Muranaka Environmental Consultants, Inc. 401 Waiakamilo Road Suite 101A, Honolulu HI 96817


If you would like to register or have any further questions, please give us a call at 808-­845-8822. Fax Number: 808-845-8823.

Email address:





Lead Inspector Training (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA): This is a three-day course that incorporates EPA requirements. This EPA model curriculum gives lectures, hands-on training and demonstrations on survey instruments, state and federal regulations, personal protection, pre-inspection planning, sample preparation for laboratory analysis, and XRF analysis. Attendees learn a variety of inspection techniques and legal liabilities and defenses.


Lead Risk Assessor (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA): This is a two-day course that incorporates EPA requirements. This EPA accredited course provides information on the rules and regulations concerning lead abatement in a variety of building situations. Emphasis is placed on planning abatement responses from the inspector’s information. A series of workshops are conducted, which cover health hazard evaluation and the development of work plans, drawings, diagrams, and site safety plans. A current certification in lead inspections is required to take this course.


Risk assessment includes HUD public housing authorities’ inspection criteria an in-house management policy practices and education activities relating to inspection and in-house maintenance management policy.


Lead Abatement for Supervisors (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA): This is a four-day course that incorporates EPA requirements. This is an EPA model curriculum for supervisors and contractors. Attendees learn lead abatement techniques and review case studies of lead-based paint abatement projects. Topics include state and federal regulations, hazard recognition and control, insurance and liability issues, contract specifications, and supervisory techniques.


Lead Abatement Training for Workers (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA): This is a two-day course that incorporates EPA requirements. This EPA curriculum provides lectures and demonstrations in health effects, hazard control, and work area preparation. Special emphasis is placed on work practices. Topics include: containment, abatement techniques, clean-up, and disposal.


Lead Project Designer (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA): This is a one-day course that incorporates EPA requirements. This EPA accredited course provides information on the rules and regulations concerning design of lead abatement, particularly for large-scale projects. Topics include development of occupant protection plans, abatement and hazard reduction methodologies, clearance standards and testing. A current certification in the Lead Abatement for Supervisor’s discipline is required to take this course.


Refresher Courses (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA) The 4-hour Project Designer refresher course and 8-hour refresher classes for supervisors, workers, inspectors and risk assessors provide information on the latest regulations and remediation techniques and is required to maintain certification in the discipline.





Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Initial (for certification under Section 402 of TSCA)

As of April 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforced a ruling, requiring the use of lead-safe work practices and other actions aimed at preventing lead poisoning. This rule calls for contractors performing renovation, repair, and painting projects which disturbs lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built prior to 1978, must now become EPA certified and must also follow specific work practices, to prevent lead contamination. The requirement affects electricians, plumbers, renovators, remodelers, carpenters, and handymen and those in similar trades. The rule does not apply to minor maintenance or repair activities where less than six square feet of lead-based paint is disturbed in a room or where less than 20 square feet of lead-based paint is disturbed on the exterior. Window replacement is not a minor maintenance or repair. Each firm must have at least one certified renovator on staff, trained by an approved EPA training provider. In order to become certified, individual contractors must attend an 8­hour EPA certified Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Initial training course. A 4-hour refresher course is required every 5 years.



8-hour Lead in Construction Course: This course satisfies OSHA/HIOSH requirements for the lead worker. The student shall learn the hazards involved when disturbing lead-containing materials and how to eliminate the exposure to lead dust and fumes. OSHA requirements such as medical monitoring and exposure monitoring are also examined. 8-hour refresher classes are required to maintain compliance with OSHA/HIOSH.


Lead Paint Hazard Awareness: The hazard awareness classes meet OSHA/HIOSH standards for annual compliance training of workers. Health effects, work practices, and related hazards are covered in lectures, demonstrations, and workshop exercises.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Lead abatement workers, painters (as appropriate), HUD public housing authorities, government (federal, state, local) employees, supervisors, managers, officials, and contractors involved in lead work.

Also, lawyers, community planners, educators, and students who want to gain credentials in the lead abatement industry.


ACCREDITATION: Muranaka Environmental Consultants, Inc. is an accredited training provider, accredited by the Hawaii Department of Health and EPA under 40 CFR Part 745, Section 225 to provide training for individuals engaged in lead-based paint activities for Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities.   Meets HDOH, EPA, HIOSH, OSHA, and HUD requirements.   American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) certification maintenance points are awarded to CIHs: 5 points Supervisor 3 points Inspector 5 points Inspector/Risk Assessor 2 points Project Designer Annual Refreshers for all of the above courses receive ½ CM point for ½ day Refreshers and 1.0 CM point for 1 day Refreshers.

MEC can also schedule a private class at your location.


INSTRUCTORS: Mark T. Muranaka, President, MS Environmental Health, MPH Industrial Hygiene


TRAINING LOCATION: Muranaka Environmental Consultants, Inc. 401 Waiakamilo Road, Suite 101A Honolulu, HI 96817


If you would like to register or have any further questions, please give us a call at 808-­845-8822. Fax Number: 808-845-8823.

Email address:





The HAZWOPER course provides instruction in HIOSH/OSHA/EPA/USCG fundamentals of Occupational safety and health guidance for hazardous waste activities for employees (40-hour training) and supervisors (40-hour + 8-hour training). The HAZWOPER Refresher class consists of 8 hours of the latest regulatory news, and includes information on state-of-the-art remediation techniques.

The HAZWOPER training covers various site-specific aspects, including the packaging, handling, and storage of hazardous substances. Students will use a health and safety plan and will dress-out in personal protective equipment. They will also receive 3 days of hands-on training. The final exam will involve a written and practical test. A special session includes the latest developments in current events, instrumentation, and hazardous waste remediation.

24 Hr Hazwoper provides instruction to workers limited to a specific task or workers on fully characterized sites with no hazards above acceptable levels require 24 hours of initial training, 1 day supervised hands on training, and 8 hours of refresher training annually. Managers and supervisors require the same level of training as the people they supervise, plus 8 additional hours of training.

COURSE CONTENT: HAZWOPER Training Forty hours of technical instruction in hazardous waste handling and emergency response. Students receive information on hazards, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment, decontamination, and medical programs. The course also includes planning, organization, site control, and techniques in site-specific training.


Supervisor Training Eight hours of instruction in the planning and implementation of hazardous waste handling procedures and emergency response actions. OSHA supervisor responsibilities in a variety of clean-up and emergency situations are reviewed.

Refresher Training Eight hours of instruction in the latest regulatory developments in hazardous waste handling, emergency response, and waste site remediation techniques, which is for both workers and supervisors. The class will audit several scenarios and evaluation responses I a workshop setting.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: HAZWOPER Students will: Gain confidence in handling a variety of types of hazardous waste. Gain experience in field monitoring and waste handling techniques. Receive accreditation, which satisfies the regulatory requirements and is necessary for working at hazardous waste sites and for responding to emergencies safely.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Government (federal, state, and local) employees, supervisors, managers, and officials  and their contractors, who are involved in inactive and active hazardous waste site operations, safety and health planning, and emergency response. Community planners, educators, and students preparing for employment, who want to gain credentials in the field of hazardous waste operations. ACCREDITATION: Meets HIOSH and federal OSHA requirements, as per 29 CFR 1910.120, and 29 CFR 1910.134.


ACCREDITATION: Meets U.S. EPA requirements, as per 40 CFR Part 745, Subpart L (73 FR.21692, April 22, 2008).


INSTRUCTORS: Mark T. Muranaka, President, MS Environmental Health, MPH Industrial Hygiene


TRAINING LOCATION: Muranaka Environmental Consultants, Inc. 401 Waiakamilo Road, Suite 101A, Honolulu HI 96817


If you would like to register or have any further questions, please give us a call at 808-­845-8822. Fax Number: 808-845-8823.

Email address:

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